Monday 20 September 2010

Lost and Found

Our very lovely friends (thank you Mr and Mrs B) gave our son a book one Christmas. I was not sure even I would like it, never mind my son, who was only a year old. One night, he wouldn't settle (which was probably a usual occurence in our household!) and I wondered whether I should read him this book. I hesitated only because it was not a conventional bed time story, as I later and gratefully discovered.

The story truly mesmerised my son and those who know me will realise that I am very animated when reading to my children, I make all the sounds that are portrayed in the book, in fact, I become one of those people who becomes the characters (not as hardcore as maybe Peter Sellers would have done) I truly believe in my natural ability for acting LOL

Anyway, the story is so very lovely and my son and I always hug one another during the book, when you read it, you will know why. The book, story and author have become firm favourites of ours and although my daughter feels a little left out about what the book/story means to my son and I, she has become to love it too.

Apparently, there is a movie to be made...


BUT you must, simply must read this to your it for yourself even...!
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers

Mr Jeffers, you truly are a gifted author, thank you

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